2024 - 2025 Award Deadline: March 7, 2025
Thank you to all who submitted, we look forward to
seeing you in Buffalo!
Balchen/Post Award
The purpose of this award is to promote excellence in snow and ice control and to recognize those individuals responsible for outstanding performance. It is presented each year at the International Aviation Snow Symposium (IASS) honoring airports in the commercial, general aviation and military categories.
The award initially was named solely after Col. Bernt Balchen. A native of Norway, he had a distinguished career in aviation, particularly in pioneering Arctic exploration. He was the first person to pilot an aircraft over both poles. Eventually Balchen moved to the United States. He became a US citizen and served in the US Air Force. Balchen was a Distinguished Flying Cross recipient, among many of his recognitions. Col. Balchen was a great supporter of the NEC. He was one of the founding members of IASS and served as the honorary chairman of the Symposium.
The first Balchen Award was presented at the IASS in 1977, honoring the airport crews for their efforts during the '76-'77 winter season. At the IASS in 1997, Wiley Post Jr.'s name was added, to honor his contributions. The award was renamed to Col. Bernt Balchen / Wiley Post Jr. Award
Mr. Post served as the manager of Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton Airport (ABE) for 35 years. He was also one of the founding members of the IASS, serving as chairman of the first Snow Symposium that he hosted at ABE in 1967. Post is celebrated for his dedicated service to the IASS and NEC that spanned 30 years.
NEC is proud to administer the prestigious Balchen/Post Award and to carry the tradition of recognizing airports and hard working snow crews.
To be considered for an award, an airport may be recommended by a user or users of the airport, or make direct application.
In the selection process, the committee will give careful consideration to the following:
- Degree of in-depth preparedness:
- Snow and ice control plan, equipment readiness, personnel training, overall safety awareness
- Effectiveness of snow and ice control program:
- Aeronautical areas
- Runways
- Taxiways
- Aprons
- Ramps
- Runway/taxiway lighting
- Signs
- Timeliness and accuracy of communications during the snow and ice control effort with:
- The airlines
- General aviation
- The public
- The FAA
- Other airport users
- Post-storm activity:
Tim Haizlip, MPA, C.M. Chairman
Richard Brannan Denver International Airport
Adam Williams Aircraft Owner & Pilots Association
Regional Airline Association
Alex Gertsen, C.M. National Business Aviation Association
Richard P. DeiTos, Jr. Metropolitan Washington Airlines Committee
Andrew Sousa / Captain Jeffrey Sedin Air Line Pilots Association
Airlines for America
Preston Benedyk, DAF Tyndall AFB
Megan Eisenstein National Air Transportation Association
F. Russell Hoyt Presidential Award
After serving 24 distinguished years as the first President of the American Association of Airport Executives, F. Russell Hoyt retired in 1983 and became the first Executive Director of the NEC, a position he held with equal distinction until his passing in 1997. In 2000, to recognize his generous and accomplished service to NEC, the AAAE, and the aviation industry, the NEC renamed its President’s Award the F. Russell Hoyt Presidential Award.
Each year, the NEC President selects an awardee who reflects the commitment and dedication to the airport industry and to the NEC that Russ Hoyt exhibited. This award is presented at the Awards Luncheon at the Chapter’s Annual Conference.
2021 Melinda Montgomery, A.A.E., Zach Sundquist, A.A.E., Darren Large, A.A.E., Ed Foster, A.A.E., Richard Williams, A.A.E. 2020 Melinda Montgomery, A.A.E. 2019 Maria Sheridan, A.A.E., Joe Guarino, C.M. 2018 Guillermo Felix, Ann Richart, A.A.E., Rebecca Hubb, A.A.E., Elaine Roberts, A.A.E., Jeanne Olivier, A.A.E., ACE, Barbara Patzner, A.A.E. ACE 2017 Carlton E. Braley Jr., A.A.E. 2016 Wayne Pennell, A.A.E. 2015 Paul J. Wiedefeld, A.A.E. 2014 Bill Vanacek, Niagara Frontier Aviation Authority 2013 Richard J. Williams, A.A.E. 2012 Alfred Pollard, A.A.E. 2011 Thomas Dames, A.A.E./Marshall Stevens, A.A.E. 2010 Alex Kashani, A.A.E. 2009 Terry Goralski 2008 Leo Comeau, AAE/Richard Horstmann, CM 2007 Al Graser, A.A.E. 2006 Bryan Corbett, A.A.E./Paul McDonough 2005 Stephen J. Adams, A.A.E. 2004 Jeanne Olivier, A.A.E. 2003 Alex Kashani, A.A.E. 2002 Robert Nowak 2001 Michael Campbell, A.A.E./Debra Wright 2000 Cecil Sutton 1999 Charles Hostetter, A.A.E. 1998 Robert Bogan, A.A.E. 1997 John Duval, A.A.E. 1996 Mark Brewer, A.A.E. 1995 27 Privately owned/Public use Airport 1994 37 Airports 1993 Gerald FitzGerald, A.A.E. 1992 John Armour, A.A.E. 1991 James Malarky 1990 Robert Nowak/John Hornbuckle 1989 Fred Hidinger 1988 John Dickerson 1987 E. Mike Goodwin
Jerry FitzGerald, A.A.E. NEC Corporate Award of Excellence
At the NEC 42nd Annual Conference in 2000, the Chapter instituted its Corporate Appreciation Award to recognize the corporate member who has demonstrated leadership and commitment to the Chapter and its members through sponsorships, committee work, and overall support above and beyond what is normally expected.
In June 2015, the award was renamed the Jerry FitzGerald, A.A.E. NEC Corporate Award of Excellence in honor of the late Jerry FitzGerald, A.A.E. Jerry’s commitment to NEC/AAAE, the AAAE, and the aviation industry embodied the spirit of the award. His leadership with the NEC/AAAE included service as Chapter President, National Chairman, both Executive and Corporate membership and as a member of the Board of Directors. Jerry made our Association stronger and more successful.
Each year, the NEC President selects the awardee, who is announced and presented during the Corporate Appreciation Luncheon at the Chapter’s Annual Conference.
Corporate Award of Excellence Awardees
2021 Dave Jones, Delta Airport Consultants
2020 Todd Rushing, Sherwin Industries
2019 Chad Nixon - McFarland Johnson, Inc.
2018 Claudia B. Holliway (In Memorium)
2017 Mary M. Miller - BBA Aviation/Signature Flight Support
2016 Manik Arora - Arora Engineers, Inc.
2015 Chad Nixon - McFarland Johnson, Inc.
2014 Todd Rushing - Sherwin Industries
2013 Larry Bauman, CM - URS Corporation
2012 Gary Kogut, CM - Oshkosh Corporation
2011 Richard Horstmann, CM - Urban Engineers
2010 Bernard Drury - Henry Brothers Electronics
2009 Armen DerHohannesian Associates
2008 Richard Singleton - Sealcoating Inc.
2007 Leon Watkins - The Hudson Group
2006 Steven Baldwin,- The Louis Berger Group
2005 Smart Associates
2004 Thomas Ball - MMS, Inc.
2003 Hoyle Tanner/Milliken Carpet
2002 Sherwin Industries/HNTB
2001 Mike Crowe - Oshkosh Truck
2000 Debra Wright - Verizon
Additional Awards
2021 Lifetime Achievement Award - Carlton Braley, A.A.E.
2021 NEC/AAAE Presidents Special Recognition Award - Nick McLaughlin
2019 Distinguished Service Award - Richard Williams
2004 Lifetime Achievement Award - Vincent Scarano
2000 NEC Service Award - Robert Nowak
1996 Lifetime Service Award - Russell Hoyt, A.A.E.
1996 Lifetime Service Award - James Malarky