At the NEC 42nd Annual Conference in 2000, the Chapter instituted its Corporate Appreciation Award to recognize the corporate member who has demonstrated leadership and commitment to the Chapter and its members through sponsorships, committee work, and overall support above and beyond what is normally expected. In June 2015, the award was renamed the Jerry FitzGerald, A.A.E. NEC Corporate Award of Excellence in honor of the late Jerry FitzGerald, A.A.E. Jerry’s commitment to NEC/AAAE, the AAAE, and the aviation industry embodied the spirit of the award. His leadership with the NEC/AAAE included service as Chapter President, National Chairman, both Executive and Corporate membership and as a member of the Board of Directors. Jerry made our Association stronger and more successful. Each year, the NEC President selects the awardee, who is announced and presented during the Corporate Appreciation Luncheon at the Chapter’s Annual Conference.
Corporate Award of Excellence Awardees
2024 Natalie Pavelock, C.M. 2023 Scott Jelliman, ARCONAS 2020 Todd Rushing, Sherwin Industries 2018 Claudia B. Holliway (In Memorium) 2017 Mary M. Miller - BBA Aviation/Signature Flight Support 2016 Manik Arora - Arora Engineers, Inc. 2015 Chad Nixon - McFarland Johnson, Inc. 2014 Todd Rushing - Sherwin Industries 2013 Larry Bauman, CM - URS Corporation 2012 Gary Kogut, CM - Oshkosh Corporation 2011 Richard Horstmann, CM - Urban Engineers 2010 Bernard Drury - Henry Brothers Electronics 2009 Armen DerHohannesian Associates 2008 Richard Singleton - Sealcoating Inc. 2007 Leon Watkins - The Hudson Group 2006 Steven Baldwin,- The Louis Berger Group 2005 Smart Associates 2004 Thomas Ball - MMS, Inc. 2003 Hoyle Tanner/Milliken Carpet 2002 Sherwin Industries/HNTB 2001 Mike Crowe - Oshkosh Truck 2000 Debra Wright - Verizon Additional Awards
2021 Lifetime Achievement Award - Carlton Braley, A.A.E. 2021 NEC/AAAE Presidents Special Recognition Award - Nick McLaughlin 2019 Distinguished Service Award - Richard Williams 2004 Lifetime Achievement Award - Vincent Scarano 2000 NEC Service Award - Robert Nowak 1996 Lifetime Service Award - Russell Hoyt, A.A.E. 1996 Lifetime Service Award - James Malarky |